Friday, August 16, 2013

John Deere Reveals 2014 8R Tractor Using Virtual Reality

Using a current 8R, wrapped in white cloth on a white backdrop, projection technology was used to showcase the new features, animate the tractor and the backdrop to illustrate the new engine, cab styling and more. Historically, we've not shared many details prior to the event being complete (new product info will go online August 23), but with social media, it has become pretty hard to contain. I commend the Waterloo tractor factory for embracing this fact and encouraging us to share this cool experience.

Truly, New Product Introduction may be one of the best events John Deere puts together for all of our dealers and employees. 2 1/2 action-packed days of new products, technology, catching up with old friends, networking internally and just cutting loose on the town.

For myself, the event is all about the people and 'the show'. Sure, I get excited about new products, and as I spend more time meeting customers and learning about their specific needs, I'll appreciate our product line more. This higher awareness certainly enhanced my learning this year. I am excited to see these new tractors come to market, and they will be hitting farm shows across the U.S. & Canada all fall. In Ontario, you will have the chance to see the new 7R, self-propelled sprayer and combine first hand at Canada's Outdoor Farm Show in September. In the meantime, and if you missed them on Twitter, here's a sneak-peak with a few more pictures.
All-new track system for S Series combines during reveal night.
John Deere 2014 8R Tractor
Snapshot of the 8R projection.
2014 John Deere 4 Series Sprayers
New 2014 4 Series Sprayers with 1 touch boom unfold.
2014 John Deere 7R Tractors
Row of new 7R tractors lined up waiting for us to jump in the cabs.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we would love a new tractor! Ours are all old, but run well and get the job done, but... these look very tempting!!
